Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Need some extra cash?......No really.

About two months ago I was looking through my treasure chest, the little wooden box of which holds vehicle titles, birth certificates and generally just important things which I deem most important to grab and keep safe in case fire, tornado or risk of personal property if it ever presented itself. I was looking through the items and found an old gold bracelet I've possessed since high school. It didn't mean anything to me and had been broken most since I could remember. I took a closer look and saw the 14K and Italy stamp and got to thinking. Wonder what its worth? I did a quick search and found a local Coin and Bullion store which buys scrap gold and silver. I took it down and was asked if they were interested. The male half of the mom and pop shop weighed the item then told me he would give me 79% of the item's scrap value. I would have taken $75. I would have been happy with $125. But when he told me he was willing to give me $171, I used my old 'play it down' negotiation technique and told him 'mmmmm....guess I'll take it' while yelling to myself in my head 'SCORE'.
I kept talking with the shop owner about scrap values, gold prices and various things. I ended up telling him I was a Police Officer and I was asking about his security of his store. I must have said the right things as he later called my station to check me out then hired me for an off duty job. During the job I worked for him I asked about some other precious coins I had and was looking to get rid of. He told me a how to check the items and see if they are real and bring them in and he would check them out. I did some research on the coins and brought them in the next day. I'm not gonna say how much I got for the coins, but I was able to pay for the Colorado rental house this summer and then some.
If you have some old coins, jewelry or any type of gold, go check on it. You never know.

Some advice if you do it;

-Do Not send in your gold.
-Check out your stuff before you take it in. The more you know about it the better off you are.

Some rules;

-Gold will be marked with the carat usually stamped near a clasp or for rings on the inside

24k is .999 pure gold
14k is .585 pure gold
10k is .417 pure gold

Gold plated is almost never worth turning in.


a three digit number will usually indicate purity so a 820 on a silver coin will indicate 82% silver, sometimes. Depending on how old the item is and where it was made this will vary.

Sterling silver is .92 silver
.999 is pure silver

Check old silverware, coins, jewelry, watches, and anything else most anything with gold or silver is stamped if you don't see it keep looking.

If you happen to live near Lincoln, Nebraska use Lincoln Gold and Bullion 1/2 block north of 48th and Calvert. These are good people and they will treat you right. Do not sell it in a motel room or on Craigslist. If you hand them your jewelry and they give you a value without weighing it...Run.

As of 4-20-2011 gold price per oz is $1503 per oz

silver is $44 per oz

28.3 gams in one ounce

good day

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is not my work. But I felt it was kinda relevant.

The Ship

We are standing upon the seashore. A ship opens her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the sea. She is an object of beauty and strength, we stand watching until she fades on the horizon and someone says 'She is gone'. Gone where? Gone from our sight that is all. She is just as great as when we saw her. Her diminished size is in us, not in her.

And just at the moment when someone says 'She's gone' there are others watching her, ready to take up the glad shout ' There she comes!'

Faz 1259

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I remember the day pretty clear, a sunny but cold day, cold even for winter in South Dakota. My wife, Jen and I had just visited my maternal grandmother in Pierre and were headed back to Lincoln in the Pontiac. I was reading some local paper and an article caught my eye. It read something like 'Increase in fertility plans in hopes of millennium babies.' I read on about how there was a rush on Fertility drugs and doctors by couples all wanting to have the first baby on Jan 1, 2000.
Let me add a side note here. I am a pretty rare person. You see most people are born with their brains having everything they need to survive as a baby and as they grow up their brains develop with age. Not me. Ever since I was a kid I have known that I am missing that little part of the brain that tells most people when they should keep their mouth shut. I have numerous times in my life hurled myself into awkward, dangerous, and mostly just unpleasant situations lacking this cerebral function.
This is one of the few examples where something positive happened due to my above listed condition. I looked over at my wife and asked 'do you want to start having kids?' We really hadn't talked about it before. My wife looked at me and said 'Do YOU want to start having kids?' Then I saw her lips curl up, a little at first, then to her full blown Miss America smile, which stuck on her face most of that day. I don't remember how the rest of the conversation went but I felt Jen was most happy with me because I had brought the subject up first. After that we didn't talk about it much, and ten months later my wife gave birth to my son. The day, Dec 30,1999.
Fast forward to Nov 22, 2010. That same son of mine born two days before the new millennium walked out onto the stage of Norris High School auditorium and cranked out one of the finest renditions of Billy Joel's Piano Man. At least the finest I had heard anyway. Paxton said he missed a couple of notes, but it sure didn't sound like it to me and the crowd didn't seem to mind.
It was one of those moments of being a parent which gets seared into the brain. It was the Dividends for all the nasty dirty dippers, the ear infection doctor trips, the missed TV shows to check over homework. I have no illusions over how hard it is to be a parent and know that it's only going to get harder, we haven't even hit driver's licenses, girlfriends or college tuition. But the feeling I felt last night only reinforced the decision made in the south bound Pontiac some where in South Dakota, was the most important, and best decision my wife and I ever made.

-Good Day

I'm trying to imbed the video but can't right now. So here is the website of Paxton's performance.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Top ten Halloween Movies-

10-Warning Sign- Yes, our government does stuff like this.

9-Night of the Living Dead- The one from 1968.

8-Cujo-He's really a good dog, he won't bite.

7-Misery-Read the book first.

6-Texas Chainsaw Massacre-the one with R. Lee Ermey

5-The Exorcist-Because, really, it has to be in the top 10.

4-Dawn of the dead- I'm prepared for this, are you?

3-Children of the Corn-Yes, it is scarier if you live next to a cornfield, and we do.

2-The Shining-No Honey, The mountain vacation in Colorado this winter is a great idea.

1- Pet Cemetery-Watch this one with the lights off.

Good Day

Monday, September 27, 2010


My Top Ten outdated words and phrases

10-Think outside the box- If you use this while talking to me, I will just assume you have nothing original or interesting to talk about and walk away.

9-Not my first rodeo- Unless you are actually a participant in a real rodeo and it is actually not your first one please don't use this. It hurts my ears.

8-At risk kids- Every human being on this planet is at risk of something everyday. If you use this term please just admit 'I am vague and can't help myself'.

7-Whatever- I don't know what this means. If you use it to annoy me, it will work.

6-Right on-I will picture you as a dirty hippie in a faded tie dye shirt with Abba playing in the background. And I will not take a chance on you.

5-Go Green-Don't even start with me Ashley.

4-Melting Pot-If you melt enough of anything, you will find gold and you will find crap.

3-Sick, as in 'That is Sick' most commonly used on reruns of American Chopper when 'Awesome' and 'Cool' have been used in excess of the hourly quota.

2-LOL- are you really laughing out loud, or do you just have nothing else to say?

1-'My Bad' -Either apologize or don't apologize, don't be half-ass. And half-ass will be on my next list.

Good Day

Monday, September 6, 2010


About nine years ago I was directing traffic at 9th and Q st for the Huskers game, a fan walked by and told me a one line comment which sums up what a Husker Game day is like in Lincoln. In passing he told me 'Tell you what, you people here in Lincoln are the nicest, drunkest people I've ever met.' I just smiled and thought to myself, you got that one right, stranger.

Those of you who aren't up on the geography of the high plains, this is how it works. Zero pro teams in the state, the closest Kansas City Chefs is a good three hour drive, No Major league baseball, no Nascar tracks, we have no mountains to ski on, no ocean to swim or fish in. So we must cling to the one thing that can entertain and bring dollars to the local economy, Husker Football.

I will admit there are some negatives, for example, if you come for a game the place is crowded. It has been crowded since the John F Kennedy administration. There is a real good reason. It's crowded because the Husker players put on one hell of a show. Second negative, in my opinion of course, the food at Memorial Stadium sucks. I don't like Subway sandwiches during a game, Runza's suck and The Fairbury Franks are the little ones that are usually cold by the time I get em, the only place they even sell BBQ at Memorial stadium is outside of the press level most people don't have access to, and after how much it costs, it's really not worth it.

Now I could go on and on about the Huskers and how good they play, and the records, and the noise of the games, but instead I'm gonna steal a line from the tourist board of Jamaica. 'Once you go, you know.' This sleepy farm/college town can bring in a crowd of 85,000, to a town of 250,000. The people here will treat you better than most of your relatives treat you at family gatherings.

If you really want to make it here is some advice;

best parking spot

Indian Center 1100 Military ave, I would tell you how to get her but just plug it into your GPS. $20 to park with port a jons, six blocks north of the stadium.

best bars

9th to 10th on the south side of O pregame. Don't miss this.

After game;

Anywhere north of J st south of R st 6th to 17th. Don't worry you'll be so drunk by than it wont matter. Just don't piss off the bike cops downtown they have no sense of humor on Gameday.

Go Big Red

Good Day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I know it was you Fredo, you broke my heart.

loyalty-: the act of being loyal

1 loyal-: unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or governmentb : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is duec : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
: showing loyalty

I am brand Loyal. Nine years ago I was working on my deck and needed a belt sander, I went to Closeouts Unlimited in Lincoln and saw a Ryobi sander on sale half the price of any other sander. The sander worked fine for a day or two, then in the middle of my project the sander fell off the deck and that was it. Nothing would happen when I squeezed the trigger. I called the factory and drove thirty miles for a factory repair rep, dropped off the sander off and never saw it again. On my way back to Lincoln, I stopped by Home Depot and paid retail price for a Dewalt belt sander, it was in the top three most expensive brands. That sander sits in my basement as I write my current post. I have never gone back to Closeouts Unlimited, and in addition to the sander, I have purchased a Dewalt drill set, Dewalt sawzall, Dewalt Miter saw, and Dewalt Jigsaw.
Also about seven years ago, my wife's car a 96 Pontiac Sunfire started to smoke. It had a little under 100,000 miles on it, with proper maintenance. Knowing I would get nothing by doing it, I sent a complaint email to GM, telling them the vehicle they had sold my wife was smoking like a Kuwaiti oil well. They did not appreciate my metaphor and sent me a message back telling me 'Not our F****** problem' that's not what they wrote, but that's what I got from their message. I wasn't expecting a new car, but all GM would need to tell me was 'Sorry we possibly made a low quality product, but here's a voucher for one thousand dollars off any new General Motor Product.' If Gm had done that I would have a Chevy Tahoe sitting in my garage every night for the last seven years, Instead I have a Dodge Durango which I have been very happy with. How's business by the way General Motors? My next vehicles will be a Ford F150 or F250 and a Honda Civic.
Now I must admit that I still drive my wife's Pontiac Sunfire to work everyday, but only after I had to take off work for a week and swap out engines with help from my mechanic (John Faz aka Dad).

My loyal brands include
Power tools Dewalt
Vehicles Ford maybe Dodge or Honda
TVs Sony
Computers Mac

good day