Lincoln Police Department domestic violence practicals begin tomorrow in Air park. A chance for me to take the best and worst scenarios I have seen or been a part of and give a dose to the young officers who are going to hit the street soon. It is actually a fun day, about fifteen veteran officers come up with sometimes easy, sometimes difficult situations, and recruit officers are graded on their performance handling and properly dealing with the parties involved. We get to bring props, they get their real uniforms with real police cars using real dispatchers, and they never get to know what they are dealing with until they knock on that door. The acting isn't the best, the bad guys have to give up easily, and sometimes we have to lob a slow pitch, just so they can knock it out of the park. Let me think what to start with? Mental Health patient who can hear bats all the time, Woman chokes man and has a gun, two roommates fight over a Pimp Juice cup. I don't know what I will start with, but unless some young rook uses unnecessary force against me, It will be a productive, enjoyable day.
Good Day