Those of you who aren't up on the geography of the high plains, this is how it works. Zero pro teams in the state, the closest Kansas City Chefs is a good three hour drive, No Major league baseball, no Nascar tracks, we have no mountains to ski on, no ocean to swim or fish in. So we must cling to the one thing that can entertain and bring dollars to the local economy, Husker Football.
I will admit there are some negatives, for example, if you come for a game the place is crowded. It has been crowded since the John F Kennedy administration. There is a real good reason. It's crowded because the Husker players put on one hell of a show. Second negative, in my opinion of course, the food at Memorial Stadium sucks. I don't like Subway sandwiches during a game, Runza's suck and The Fairbury Franks are the little ones that are usually cold by the time I get em, the only place they even sell BBQ at Memorial stadium is outside of the press level most people don't have access to, and after how much it costs, it's really not worth it.
Now I could go on and on about the Huskers and how good they play, and the records, and the noise of the games, but instead I'm gonna steal a line from the tourist board of Jamaica. 'Once you go, you know.' This sleepy farm/college town can bring in a crowd of 85,000, to a town of 250,000. The people here will treat you better than most of your relatives treat you at family gatherings.
If you really want to make it here is some advice;
best parking spot
Indian Center 1100 Military ave, I would tell you how to get her but just plug it into your GPS. $20 to park with port a jons, six blocks north of the stadium.
best bars
9th to 10th on the south side of O pregame. Don't miss this.
After game;
Anywhere north of J st south of R st 6th to 17th. Don't worry you'll be so drunk by than it wont matter. Just don't piss off the bike cops downtown they have no sense of humor on Gameday.
Go Big Red
Good Day.
I'm a Cornhusker, did you know that? Born in Omaha! You make going to a game sound like a must-do. I bet it's awesome to be a part of.
Don't forget about the nasty Valentino's Pizza for $4.00 a slice.
Probably the best way to get to the game is to park and ride the StarTran bus from North Star HS, SCC, SouthPointe, Holmes Lakee and Westgate/Gateway Mall. $8.00 round trip.
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