Monday, April 19, 2010

Random thoughts on my day off

I need to get some fertilizer on that grass. I need to cut and burn some of that dead wood in the tree line. Call the banker. Nascar race at 11. Take in recycling. Water the new grass. Go over spelling words tonight with the boys. Dentist tomorrow. Pasta for dinner? Turkey hunting next weekend. Balance the checkbook. Call the rock guy. Tell the boys to clean their rooms when they get home. Call Dad. New cell phone, not yet. Wonder if Segur got that package in Afghanistan. Get dressed. Get Abby dressed. Brush Abby's hair. Ponytail, Yep. Garden? Maybe wait another week on that. Check the weather. Get the mail. Stop by the lake and see if the Carp are jumping. Mac and Cheese for lunch? Abby says 'yep'. Take my allergy meds cause I am sneezing. Mushroom hunting? Clean the kitchen. And most important 'get the hell off this computer and get some shit done.'

1 comment:

The Dog Is My Favorite said...

Don't you love how this is considered a day off? Busy guy. And I'm totally stealing this idea/format sometime for mine.

ps. The turkeys called me and said they'll be busy next weekend so you don't need to bother going to hunt them. They won't be there.
