Monday, March 22, 2010

Prey on your fears

I recently have been thinking about the Broadview security commercials, you know the ones where a female is having some guests at her house and nobody knows the one handsome guy, and after everyone leaves the lone handsome guest breaks the back door in and the alarm scares off the would be attacker. Then of course Broadview calls the young females' phone and saves the day from a location three states away by saying he is going to call your local police. Really?

The underlying message I get is if you have a young adult daughter, and you don't buy their security system that she is going to be sexually assaulted. Also If you are a young female living alone you had better buy this system or something really bad is going to happen. Please someone out there tell me I'm reading into this wrong. A real company using the old mafia technique pay us what we want for protection or something bad is going to happen.

Now I am not selling anything, And I don't claim to say that Broadview hasn't ever helped anyone in a time of need. But After eleven years on the overnight shift as a street cop in a city of 230,000 souls I can say that I have never been a part of an investigation or read about an investigation where a home security system has stopped a sexual assault, or caught a burglar, or done anything to help prosecute any criminal or prevent any crime.

In about seventeen years my daughter, Abby, will be close to moving out to somewhere out there, and I promise, she will not have Broadview security. But she will have knowledge of personal responsibility, situational awareness, and she will know how and when to use deadly force assisted by a Remmington 870 Police Magnum Shotgun with two slugs to the body and one to the head. Good Day.

1 comment:

The Dog Is My Favorite said...

Chris has always said the same thing. We, too, have a shotgun which we're both trained to use. That'll be much more effective than an alarm system. I never would have thought I'd be prepared to us a gun. Then I had children to protect. Now I'm ready.